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  • medmedtreatinternational@gmail.com
  • +91 9953 6622 05 / +91 9891 9428 62

Quality Training

Quality Training

We have celebrated our 4th anniversary and are now looking forward to continuing our history of providing high quality and professional advice for our student and their family who would like to work & study abroad. Medtreat International has been committed to providing the highest quality, training center for OET, IELTS(General/ Academic), DHA,MOH,HAAD, PROMETRIC and NCLEX-RN.


Medtreat International is an institute established to gyring levels to reach a better height and confidently crack the IELTS, OET and other nursing exams with better results. Our 4 years, we have guided hundreds of students to achieve success in IELTS,OET and other Exams.
Our many students are selected in different countries like Australia, UK, New Zealand and Canada.

Why Medtreat

  • Because Medtreat students always get better score in exams.
  • Because Medtreat has always been ahead of other training centers if you compare the fact what % of the good/average students obtained better score.
  • Because Medtret is the only institute who take 100% effort to uplift their students ability.
  • Because Medtreat is the only institute which provide 100% flex timing.
  • Because at Medtreat you can get, most updated, relevant and error free study materials.
  • Because Meditreat is equally good for all kind of students to achieve the optimum level of success regardless of their ability.

Request a call back

Would you like to speak to one of our academic advisors over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.

I would like to discuss:

Take the right step,
do the big things.








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